
Is your organisation meeting the aged care quality standards?

Best care of swollen legs is based on understanding the cause

Check if your organisation is meeting the current standards

Some of the impacts of chronic oedema

  • Legs feel heavy, so people walk less Balance deteriorates.
  • Gait is impacted due to stiff joints caused by swelling
  • Poor footwear choices
  • Falls risk increases
  • Reduced mobility contributes to social isolation
  • Wounds more common (1)
  • Cellulitis more common (2)

(1) C Moffatt et al. Prevalence and Risk Factors for Chronic Edema in U.K. Community Nursing Services. Lymphatic Research and Biology. Volume 17, Number 2, 2019
(2) E.A. Burian et al. Cellulitis in chronic oedema of the lower leg: an international cross-sectional study. British Journal of Dermatology (2021) 185, pp110–118



Is this a problem your workplace addresses?



How do you currently address chronic oedema identification and management for your elderly clientele?



Assess the gaps in your service.



What service you will provide? Will you screen, manage mild oedema or moderate/severe oedema?

The workforce that will implement the service.

Referral pathways to fill the gaps.



Make sure the workforce has the education / skills to implement the chronic oedema management strategy for your service

Need help to navigate chronic oedema management?

COS can point you in the right direction

What questions do you have?

We want to hear from you. Let's plan how your organisation can make positive changes to the management of chronic oedema in the ageing population.

Need help to navigate chronic oedema management?