Learn how to identify chronic oedema in those within your care
COS can point you in the right direction
What chronic oedema solution does your organisation need?
We want to hear from you. Get in touch with us and we will answer any questions you have about the care you provide to manage chronic oedema in the ageing population.
Chronic oedema is a major problem in the ageing population. It is estimated that over 50% of the ageing population have chronic oedema. This can increase the risk of wounds, cellulitis and can impact enormously on the quality of life of the individual. It is essential health professional’s identify this problem and then support the individual to effectively manage it.
Who Should Complete this Course?
It is ideal for those working as part of a community organisation, delivering services through home care, general practitioner practices and for residential aged care facilities.
Chronic Oedema Screening Program
To address the problem of chronic oedema organisations must identify it in individuals under their care. This online course will provide the participant with the knowledge and skills to screen for chronic oedema in the ageing population and a pathway for intervention.
This course is open to Care Managers, Division 1 and 2 Nurses, Medical Practitioners, Occupational Therapists, Physiotherapists and Podiatrists.
Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this course, the participant will be able to:
Describe the prevalence of chronic oedema in the ageing population based on the current evidence available.
List the impact of chronic oedema in the ageing population
Perform the chronic oedema lower limb screening assessment
Perform effectively a pitting test to identify oedema
Recognise potential management options depending on the severity.
Identify the referral pathway for chronic oedema
This self-paced online course will take approximately 2 hours to complete. It also includes a 1 hour Q & A virtual session with those that have completed the course within the organisation.
The module includes a formative online quiz that the participant must achieve 80%. They have 3 attempts to complete each quiz.
This course includes:
12-month access to the online course
Chronic Oedema Screening tool in a ready to print and editable pdf option.
Updates during the 12 months.
Videos on how to complete the screening.
6 month online support
Upon successful completion of the course, the participant will be provided with a course certificate for 3 hours of continuing professional development.
COS provide a variety of management courses to upskill your workforce
We want to hear from you. Get in touch with us and we will answer any questions you have about the care you provide to manage chronic oedema in the ageing population.