How are you contributing to chronic oedema management in your organisation?
Chronic Oedema significantly impacts the ageing population
Over 50% of the ageing population have chronic oedema
2541 patients assessed
56.7% (1440) were considered to have chronic oedema.
The mean age for CO
Women - 78.6
Men - 72.9
Source: UK community nursing study Moffatt, Christine J., et al. “Prevalence and Risk Factors for Chronic Edema in U.K. Community Nursing Services.” Lymphatic Research and Biology, vol. 17, no. 2, 2019, pp. 147–154., doi:10.1089/lrb.2018.0086.
45% have some form of oedema
Source: From an audit of over 200 Home Care clients at CatholicCare Sydney
Based on population projections it is estimated that